Meet our Partners

Finding suitable specialty products and services for a family member with special needs can be difficult and time consuming.

We created VALE UNITED to offer not only an overview, but also to proudly introduce you to companies with their heart in the right place. Companies that - like us - are fighting for greater acceptance and dignity in the field of disability.

Below you can find a selection of our Trusted Partners.
We hope you enjoy each other.

Proudly supporting the CDG world

The World CDG Organization (WCDGO) is the collective voice and network for people living with CDG.

CDG stands for Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation, which is a large group of rare inherited diseases that affect glycosylation. It affects cell function in most organ systems to varying degrees, so children will often show abnormalities in liver enzymes, digestion and absorption, glandular function (e.g. thyroid), blood coagulation and immunological function (susceptibility to infections).

WCDGO aims to change the world's understanding of CDG and advocate for those living with CDG to improve their lives and the lives of their families. They act by providing a strong unified voice to governments, researchers, clinicians and industry to advance research, diagnosis, treatment and services for CDG.

Moving the body changes the brain

Scandinavian Center of Neurodevelopmental Movement (SCNM) is a neuroscientific learning and brain rehabilitation center for children with special needs and their families. The center is based on Anat Baniel's method for children, Neuromovement™.

SCNM offers supervision and training for children with special needs, as well as supervision of parents who train their children at home according to the Service Act § 32. The center also offers special training courses for parents, relatives or professional groups in connection with neurophysiological training of children with special needs.

Tube feeding meals made from natural ingredients

Bellyfood meals are all about giving people with tube feeding needs the opportunity to get real food in their stomachs. The meals consist of ingredients familiar to the stomach and similar to what the rest of the family eats.

Bellyfood meals help the tube-fed person to have a complete meal experience and the caregivers to include the tube-fed person in the normal meal on an equal footing with the rest of the family.

The meals are suitable for children from 3 years and adults and have an average energy content of 110-112 kcal/100g. They are also organic, lactose-free, with no additives or preservatives, no added sugar and low in gluten.

Driving disability inclusion in the workplace

HumanKind works with public and private organisations to normalize disability at work and empower all employees, by breaking down fear and misunderstanding through workshops, training and consultancy. They help organisations attract and retain diverse talent and create positive cultural change that drives productivity, profitability and innovation.

Please visit their website or email to learn more.

Specially designed winter mittens

The Rumlii mittens are specially designed winter mittens that take into account the motor skills of children aged 1-4 years.

The mittens are designed in Denmark by Martin Niemann, who previously worked as a nursery teacher for over 10 years.

The mittens have a round shape that leaves room for the child's fingers, so they automatically mold to whatever the child wants to grasp. They are made of 70% wool and 30% acrylic and tested for harmful chemicals. They're quick to put on, no left or right hand, no thumbs to mess with, and they support your child's intuitive approach to play and movement.

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