Public Subsidies

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How to be refunded?

Refunds from Municipalities in Denmark

Nowadays, in Denmark, wheelchair bags, bibs, feeders and other items for people with special needs may be granted through the municipality (kommune).

The rule is that these products are granted if it they represent an expense associated with the person's disability. They can either be granted 100% (e.g. bibs) or the difference the product costs more compared to a similar regular product, as the user would need to pay extra for having the same conditions.

The older the child gets, the more products will be able to be granted as the need does not change with age.

How to apply?

To apply you must enter the website below, log in with your NEM-ID and choose your Kommune. The form must be filled in and then you will receive an answer in E-boks.

If your Kommune has further questions, they will contact you directly before answering your application.

Kommunes can have up to 12 weeks response time.

Danish Service Act – Section 41

The municipal board must provide coverage of necessary additional expenses for providing at home for a child under the age of 18 with a significant and permanent reduced physical or mental ability to function or an intervening chronic or long-term disorder.

For being eligible for reimbursement, consumers must apply to the municipality before purchasing the products for having their previous approval after a concrete and individual assessment. If the municipality assesses that the conditions are met, then this will be considered as a necessary additional expense and consumers will be able to cover the additional price of an adapted product.

A regular bodystocking costs DKK 200.
However, the child needs a special bodystocking with a probe hole that costs DKK 700.
If approved, the refund from the municipality will be of DKK 500.

Danish Service Act – Section 112

The municipal board must provide support for assistive devices for persons with permanently impaired physical or mental functioning, when the assistive device:

• can significantly remedy the lasting consequences of the reduced functional capacity
• can significantly facilitate their daily life at home
• is necessary for the person concerned to exercise a profession

For being eligible for reimbursement, consumers must apply to the municipality before purchasing the products for having their previous approval after a concrete and individual assessment. This rule deals with the products that the child would not need under healthy conditions.

A child is over 3 years old and still needs to wear bibs - which wouldn’t be normal at this age.
The municipality then pays the full amount for the expense.

Other European Countries

Other European countries also have social policies for helping disabled people buying special adaptive clothing or equipment.

For example: the United Kingdom government allows adaptive clothing to be eligible for VAT relief for UK residents that are considered chronically sick or disabled in the UK, which means they would be able to deduct the VAT from our products every time they buy something.

Who is eligible?
For full details on VAT exemptions in the UK and to see if you as a UK resident qualify for it, please visit HMRC's website - Notice 701-7 VAT Relief for Disabled People - or call HMRC's advice line on +44 0300 200 3700.

Please confirm with your local authorities if you are eligible for further refunds or reimbursements.

Get in touch

Need further guidance on how to apply for a refund at your Kommune?
Contact us so that we can apply on your behalf for free.