Uutisblogi osoitteessa VALE Designs Page 2 - VALE Designs
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Ohje & usein kysytyt kysymykset
Help for Sensory Needs

Apua aistien tarpeisiin

When a child develops sensory needs, it's like sailing in uncharted waters, making it difficult to navigate and find solutions. Here are 3 suggestions to get you started:
- adaptive clothing solutions
- sensory-friendly toys
- parental support and professional help

Hugo Perdigao
Raising a Child with Special Needs

Erityistarpeisen lapsen kasvattaminen

Raising a child with special needs is a journey filled with love, resilience, and profound growth. While it may present unique challenges, it also offers unparalleled moments of joy and inspiration.
Hugo Perdigao
Brain Structure

Epilepsia: Epilepsia: Faktat ja vinkit

While epilepsy can be a challenging condition to live with, understanding the facts about it and knowing how to provide assistance during seizures can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected.
Hugo Perdigao
Helpful Tool for Caregivers

Hyödyllinen työkalu hoitajille

VALE Designs revolutionizes adaptive clothing, empowering children with disabilities and caregivers through comfort, function, and style. Our range prioritizes comfort and movement via innovative options like seamless bodysuits to enhance caregiving by reducing the need for heavy lifting and boosting productivity.
Hugo Perdigao
Equality in Every Stitch

Tasa-arvo jokaisessa ompeleessa

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability, representing around 16% of the world’s population, or 1 in 6 of us - and VALE's ambition is to offer dignified clothing solutions for all these persons.
Hugo Perdigao
Enhancing Quality of Life

Elämänlaadun parantaminen

At VALE Designs, our belief is that everyone deserves to express their style and embrace the transformational power of fashion. Our commitment to crafting clothing for disabled people surpasses mere functionalityit's about empowering individuals to lead their lives confidently and dignifiedly.
Hugo Perdigao
Designing for All

Suunnittelu kaikille

Fashion has always been a language of self-expression, but it's time to broaden its vocabulary. Inclusive fashion is not just about creating clothing for a specific group — it's about designing for all.
Hugo Perdigao
Inclusivity in Healthcare

Osallisuus terveydenhuollossa

Welcome to the world of inclusive fashion in healthcare, where the transformative power of adaptive clothing is revolutionizing the patient’s experience. VALE's adaptive clothing designs, with its thoughtfully crafted features, not only enhances ease of dressing but also supports the unique medical needs of patients.

Hugo Perdigao
Appeals Rates 2022

Muutoksenhakuasteet 2022

In Denmark, municipalities can choose to refuse applications for subsidies regardless the citizens are entitled or not. The applicants then have two options: giving up or appealing to the Danish Appeals Board.


Tina Sørensen
VALE on TV2 East

VALE TV2 East -kanavalla

VALE was featured on TV2 East's evening broadcast, and TV2 East's website and social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram), quickly becoming a trending topic on their social media.
Hugo Perdigao
Disability Award 2022

Vammaispalkinto 2022

VALE was awarded with the Disability Award 2022, for our "focus on empowering children with disabilities with dignified and functional clothing and easing the daily challenges of having a child with disabilities".
Hugo Perdigao
Changing Mindsets

Mielipiteiden muuttaminen

VALE is very proud of its special little models. The modeling industry has long been dominated by stereotyped models, and VALE wants to play its role on changing this stigma.
Hugo Perdigao